Primare A35.8 - Več-kanalni močnostni ojačevalnik
Primare A35.8 - Več-kanalni močnostni ojačevalnik
Primare A35.8 je izjemno zmogljiv in fleksibilen močnostni ojačevalnik, primeren za uporabo v najzahtevnejših več-kanalnih avdio sistemih. Vsak izmed osmih kanalov ojačevalnika je opremljen z balansiranim XLR in nebalansiranim RCA vhodom.
V klasični konfiguraciji ojačevalnik ponuja 8 x 150 W moči, v t. i. 'bridged' konfiguraciji pa 4 x 375 W moči.
"Primare's A35.8 is a rare product that straddles the worlds of multichannel and hi-fi with aplomb. Its amp stage delivers scads of umblemished, responsive power, while its bridging ability is there to keep hungry loudspeakers well fed - and all this comes from a box no bigger than some monoblocks."
HiFi News, UK, March 2022
"What a wonderfully fast, lively and flexible amplifier the A35.8 is. Not only can it control eight speakers, it is possible to control four power-hungry speakers via bridge mode. Or bi-amp a stereo set. And yes: that works great! However, you have to take into account the standard low gain. And you do need a preamp with four outputs. The Primare Pre35 can do that job. All in all a beautiful duo that can do much more than most enthusiasts will think!"
Alpha Audio, The Netherlands, May 2022
"The Primare A35.8 is above all an output stage where each channel delivers an insane amount of power and a sound quality to enjoy. Eight times 150 Watts is already very nice. Where it really gets interesting for stereo enthusiasts is when you take those eight channels and start bridging."
FWD, The Netherlands, April 2022
"Overall, Primare's A35.8 is a classy bit of kit, with a performance (plus a luxurious design and build) that feels commensurate with its not inconsiderable asking price. It's more than capable in terms of power output to handle hungry speakers, and does so while keeping distortion or unwanted colouration at bay. Being able to bridge its amp channels to suit your requirements is another feather in its cap, as is its refined and insightful nature with music. I rate this an A-grade amplifier."
Home Cinema Choice, June 2022
Osnovne tehnične specifikacije:
- Tehnologija ojačevalnega sklopa: Hypex NCore500.
- Tehnologija napajalnega sklopa: Primare APFC.
- Moč na izhodu (klasična konfiguracija, @ 1 kHz):
400 W @ 2 Ω;
300 W @ 4 Ω;
150 W @ 8 Ω.
- Analogni vhodi (na kanal): 1 x RCA, 1 x XLR.
- Vhodna impedanca: 15 kΩ (RCA) / 36 kΩ (XLR).
- Vhodna občutljivost (150 W @ 8 Ω): 1,7 V (RCA) / 3,4 V (XLR).
- Frekvenčni odziv (20 Hz - 20 kHz): +0,2 / -0,5 dB.
- THD + N (20 Hz - 20 kHz): <0,005 %.
- Razmerje S/N: >115 dB.
- Dimenzije (Š x G x V): 430 mm x 400 mm x 145 mm.
- Masa: 15 kg.
- Barva: črna, titan.
Uradna spletna stran proizvajalca.
Garancijska doba: 24 mesecev.
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